Micro Tale
"enough of it,when I'll see the change" I yelled and my father trotted when he heard the smash of mirror.
"no one can see it when you yourself broke it" he sympathized and began assembling the peices.
*I left amazed*
*I left amazed*
About the story
- As I've discussed in my previous works that having an apt central theme is the key and the most easiest way to make your story (of any kind) popular among the literature community as audience can easily connect with it.
- Here author wants to convey that revolution or social development doesn't occur in day nor a miracle which doom happen by waving the magic stick.
- Also by the narrator's father reply indicates that it takes matuarity and ethical high morals to bring a social change as instead of making any scornful remark he sympathazed with him.
- The father is well aware that under the gasp of revolt, change only occur to worsen the situation while patience and perseverance can bring high end fruitful change.
- "he began assembling the peices",author indicates that parents no matter how devastated the situation thier ward make (done either unawringly or under aggression), they always strive to revert back to normal.
Tips & Tricks
- Again to all fela readers, strive to depict/reflect the central theme in your story.
- Central theme can varied from the political issues, on personal experiences or social cause (like this one) or can be inspired from someone's life.
- Pro tip - plucking the theme depicting political or social cause has its own benifits and is most likely to be read in your fellow literature community.
- Also you would have noticed that how crisp presentation of theme can levers out the pressure in other literature spectra like vocabulary. Though I strongly recommend my readers to have a sound knowledge over words expressing/portay human emotions or scenic panaromic view etc. Many tips and words have already been shared in my earlier post. Please do have a look at those too!
About my blog - Micro Tale
this blog is entirely focussed on introducing his readers the beauty of micro tales and helping them out in pouring their one's. Each one of us has a sheel of pen
and always crowding ourselves with pandora of ideas to write, but somewhere we need a guidance to kick start, some fine line to start.
You just need a mentor who can walk and trot with you in every genre of writing.
You now have it!Subscribe and let's fill the world with your ink.
About the Author
hey I'm Arpit Agarwal (an ink pot) 21 year old aspiring engineer.
I'm currently pursuing engineering from MNNIT Ald. I'm a keen learner and writer.
I've a strong affection towards writing and tries every spectra of it to contribute/add something to it
ranging from poems on romance to solitude to incarnating micro tales and long story.
You can ping me here
Email ID - arpit.agarwal1897@gmail.com
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Standupcomedyleaders/
You Tube Channel Page - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY2PiQmNIMqYWeev_MDcI3A?view_as=subscriber
Watta pad ID - https://www.wattpad.com/user/AnInkPot
Thank You. Do give your valuable feedback or any suggestion. Learn daily, Read daily, Write daily..
Kudos to your journey!